It's Wednesday....It's "Hump Day".....Let's jump right in......
USC #1? ( USC jumps 2 spots to top of poll) Yes.....and they deserve the ranking......When the University of Georgia decides....one day....to think "outside" the box.......Maybe they will learn to schedule some real teams....instead of some intra-state weaker sisters........to start a season.
If Clemson is the class of the ACC.......then the ACC is in ......deep doo-doo....... Clemson flops and spreads sputter
Yet...another example: "Nothing good ever happens ....at 2 in the morning....when you're out on the town....and you're a pro athlete".....Lesson #3,275........
Jaguars T Collier critical following shooting
Some things.....I'm thinking about.....
17....and pregnant....Yes, the 17 year old daughter of Vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.......is 17.......unwed.......and pregnant.....Are we sure.......she's not .......a democrat?
Gustav, Hannah, Ike.....Josephine? In the words of Vince Lombardi, "What the hell is going on out there? These are all hurricanes or potential storms coming off the northern coast of Africa. We've always told you people......."Slavery was wrong"!
Believe it.....the NFL starts up tomorrow.......too bad Atlanta won't be included .....
Speaking of the ATL......after the Olympic break, the Atlanta Dream and the WNBA are back........you mean.......they were .....gone for a while?
Tiger Woods has been keeping at least one part of his body active since his recent knee surgery.....Seems the missus .......is expecting .......their second child.....That gives a whole new meaning to the Tiger chants....of ......."Put it in the hole!!!!".........
Finally.........Over the past couple of weeks ....Michael Jackson turned 50.....Obama made history.........Palin makes news............the democrats create a media storm........Gustav creates a weather storm..........New Orleans survives........the republicans attack ........the dems strike back.......Hannah is on the horizon.......Ike is in the batters box...........Russia won't leave Georgia alone.......gas prices fall........gas prices rise............College football starts.....The Yankees fall .......The Rays rise.......The Cubs are winners.....the Braves are losers.......
Oh .....and..........it's only .......the beginning of September........
What a wonderful world........
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