We dabble....in a little more....than just .......sports....
Sometimes.......we deal with ..........the real world........politics........current events.....life in general.
This.....is one of those times.....and .....it doesn't feel........half bad.....In fact.......it feels kind of good to express feelings .....not associated with "balls & strikes"....."touchdowns".....or "slam dunks"....
Here's a few stories.......we are following.....
There is an old saying.....
" A fish can never be caught........until....he opens his mouth". Enter that governor of South Carolina.....You know him (Mark Sanford). He is the one who went AWOL ....with his wife.....and state.....and wound up in Argentina having an affair with a lady....(we use that term loosely)........Well, here is what this moron is saying now:

"I don't want to blow up my time in politics," he told the AP. "I don't want to blow up future earning power, I don't want to blow up the kids' lives. I don't want to blow up 20 years that we've invested. But if I'm completely honest, there are still feelings in the way. If we keep pushing it this way, we get those to die off, but they're still there and they're still real.
He has trouble, he said, shutting down the love he feels for Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine woman he first met in 2001.
Sanford also said he's "crossed the lines" with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage, but not as far as he did with Chapur and not since the two met.
"Without wandering into that field we'll just say that I let my guard down in all senses of the word without ever crossing the line that I crossed with this situation," he said, referring to his affair with Chapur.
Is this guy dumb? Or just plain stupid? Even .....if you're feeling this.......don't say it publicly....Have some sort of common sense. And dignity....You're a governor....for crying out loud......You....(expletive deleted).......up! You ....are the biggest...(expletive deleted)....on the planet!!!!!!!
And I thought we Georgians ........had a "Gomer Pyle".......as a governor. And this guy.......had aspirations........to some day....be president? Of .....the U S of A??????
Just........shut up!
The.........Michael Jackson ....hysteria .....among the media.....gets wilder by the day.....In their haste to be the first to get news breaking stories........here's just a sample of some head lines........just this week.
And.......remember.......this is only Wednesday.......He's not even buried ........yet....
Who Could Cash in From Michael Jackson's Death?

Author: Jackson Accidentally Killed Himself in Attempt to Get Sick
Michael Jackson's children 'not his'
Michael Jackson Cuts His Dad Out Of His Will
Michael Jackson's Changing Face
And....so on .......on........and on.Don't we love.....our "free press"?
Only.......in .......America.....
Have........a .......great.......Wednesday.
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