Sports History
1882 - The last bareknuckle fight for the heavyweight boxing championship took place in Mississippi City.
1949 - Joe DiMaggio signed a contract with the New York Yankees that was worth $100,000. It was the first six-figure contract in major league baseball.
1958 - The Dodgers officially became the Los Angeles Dodgers, Inc.
1965 - Cassius Clay began using the name Mohammed Ali.
1975 - The New Orleans Jaz ended a 28 game road losing streak.
1976 - Darryl Sittler (Toronto Maple Leafs) set a National Hockey League (NHL) record when he scored 10 points in a game against the Boston Bruins. He scored six goals and four assists.
1976 - Dave Reece (Boston Bruins) played his last game in the NHL.
1985 - "Sports Illustrated" released its annual swimsuit edition. It was the largest regular edition in the magazine’s history at 218 pages.
1988 - Mike Tyson and Robin Givens were married.

1992 - Mike Tyson testified at his rape trial in Indianapolis.
1994 - Michael Jordan signed a contract with the Chicago White Sox to play baseball.
1995 - Joe Mullen (Pittsburgh Penguins) became the first American-born player to score 1,000 points in the NHL. Mullen ended his career with 1,063 career points.
1995 - U.S. President Clinton invited the two sides of the major league baseball strike to the White House in an effort to reach an agreement. The two sides did not resolve the issue that day.
1997 - Jim Kelly (Buffalo Bills) announced his retirement from the NFL. He was the only quarterback to date to guide the same team to four losing Super Bowls.
1998 - The Dallas Stars retired Neal Broten's #7.
2002 - The one-hour television show entitled "NBA All-Star Read to Achieve Celebration" aired.
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