Cold and Drizzling ..........
In this southern college town......With all due respects to Brook Benton...... A dreary day. Gray.....dark.......Something out of a Stephen King novel.
I don't dare turn on the news...........Lay-offs..........store closings.......bankruptcies.....stockmarket plunges.......recession..........terrible car wrecks........man beats dog with sledge hammer......and on and on and on........
What a world.......what a life . Can we get a good comedy show in here? Now?
Happy Trails........Houston Comets....
This is.......or was a WNBA team.....but not just an average team. The Comets won the championship of the league in 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000. In fact........the won the championship the first four years of the league's existence.......and this is how they are repaid?
Yesterday, the Comets folded..........closed shop. Unable to find sponsers and new ownership. There will be a dispersal draft at a later date of all current non free agent players. We have often ragged on women's basketball........but this is a shame. This would be like the New England Patriots folding in the NFL.
Happy Tr

The former Atlanta Braves left handed pitcher has signed a deal to pitch for the Houston Astros. Yes, that Hampton..........he of the million dollar heart..........but a fifty-cent body......By the way..........he must still pass a physical.......to make the deal final. And that may be asking just a little too much for the injury proned Mr. Hampton.
Things......I think..........I'm thinking.......
I voted Tuesday in this run-off election in Georgia.......me and about ten other people.
I filled up my car today..........for $19.95.....Couldn't even get $20 in the tank.
Today, DirecTV gave me $10 off a month for a year........and added ShowTime and Starz for free. Who says there is no Santa Claus?
Thanksgiving is still........by far........the best holiday of the year. And I am blessed with the best family ........anywhere......any place.
A special birthday wish for my niece..............Andrea........yes, I remembered.......Happy 29th!
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