College town.......the weather has been as unpredictable as any time I can remember. Rain....wind.....hail........lightning.....thunder........and this afternoon.....sunshine.
Things.......and thoughts.....from the week-end....

Lil Kim.....(pictured) had a "wardrobe malfunction" in last night's Dancing with the Stars....With the way she dresses.....I hardly consider this a "malfunction".....but at any rate....she is one sexy female.
Did you catch the final day of "The Masters"? Tiger and Phil.......toe to toe........but neither had anything left for the final two holes.......still riveting golf.....if golf....can be "riveting"....
It's early.....but.......The Atlanta Braves are 5-1 and tied for first in the NL East.
It's late......and the Atlanta Hawks have clinched the 4th spot in the play-offs.......with 2 games left. They will have home court advantage in the opening round against Miami.
Rest in Peace........Harry Kalas , baseball announcer for the Phillies and long time NFL films the booth.......hours before yesterdays' game....He was 73.
R.I.P. also to Mark (The Bird) Fidrych.........In the late 70's........he was baseballs' best pitcher.....known for talking to the baseball.....Fidrych was an overnight superstar.....he was 54...
It has never team in baseball has ever gone 0-162........but the Washington Nationals are on their 0-6.
Broke out the big bad riding lawn mower Saturday........ready for the first cut of the season.....Silence........the battery was dead........and one of the front tires was flat. Auto Zone, a new battery.....and a can of "fix-a-flat"....came through........and saved the day.
Navy Seals.......3, Somalian Pirates, 0........What a daring and precise rescue.......I can see a movie deal coming........I even have a title....."Three Bullets"........
I abroad.....folks are realizing, Barack a different kind of, brilliant, accessible, outgoing.......but don't back him into a corner....he has "balls".......and that is a good thing for this country.
Tomorrow is ........April 15th........Have you filed? may forget.......but the government never........ever.........ever.......
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